Saturday, October 16, 2010

Harro (Chinese accent we don’t have). We are Rémi and Martin. We are both from mixed origins. Rémi is half Taiwanese and half French. Martin is half Filipino and half French. Rémi is a very athletic boy and his favorite sport is football. He is very good at it: he plays for Hong Kong national team. Martin is also very athletic:  he swims three times a week and he also plays rugby every Sunday. Rémi is very friendly and emotional. Martin is very friendly and crazy, which is a good thing. Rémi has lived in Hong Kong for all his life. Martin lived most of his life in Hong Kong. We both love to have fun – well who doesn’t? Rémi’s hobbies are going on computer and playing football and Martin’s are going on the computer and hanging out with friends. We hope to see you soon. The photo is of Remi playing football.


  1. Hi martin and Remi!
    I too am crazy and friendly, I never take things seriously! My hobbies are too going on the computer and playing games or hanging with friends!!!
    Ok, guys, meet you soon in india!
