Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi! My name is Anastasia (but Ana for short). I’m 13 years old and I’m in 4ieme. I have lived in Hong Kong my entire life and I love it! Even though I live in China, I’m still French (and proud to be! ) The 4 things I love the most in the world are my friends and family, ice-cream( or basically eating any type of food: pizza, cookies, pasta…), traveling and swimming. I’m dying to meet you guys! The trip to India is going to be so FUN! Can’t wait for January. See you soon! 


  1. you're sooo pretty on the picture!!! And i love your text! <3

  2. Hi Ana i'm Jannhavi. I liked your text and you really look cute in the photo. I would like to be your friend. I also like eating a lot and i'm very talketive. I'm sure you will like Pondicherry because it's a nice place. I'm eagerly waiting to see you and it will be fun. See you.

  3. Hi ana, you look really cut, i think we can be good friends, it's going to be really exiting !!
    We are waiting for you, your welcome to our country, and I'm sure that you are going to love India. See you soon.

  4. Hi Ana! I'm Sivasankari,I know that my name is too long, so you can call me Siva like my teacher Mme Mathis. My friend Jannhavi is right, you are so cute.I'm waiting for you!!
    See you soon !!

  5. HI Ana!!!!! you look superb!! you look pretty, cute....
    So I am Sona, Ithink that we'll be a cool friends and I am eagerly waiting for you all. So I am very talkative like my friends!!!
    I am sure that it will be really super fun!!!
    See you soon!!! <3
